Achilles: His homeland, legacy and controversies



We begin a new year – 2014. I am very optimistic about Greece, its economy and its future. We Greeks are very resilient, very energetic. We can break through stifling bureaucracy and release that spirit of greatness, of progress, of quality and beauty of life that has been a hallmark of Hellenism. Resurrecting Achilles, a hero which after 3000 years continues to stir the imagination of people around the world, is one important step that will help recapture that great spirit of Hellenism. Our conference 20/21 June is critical to helping up achieve that:


His kingdom was very large covering from Pharsala to the north, down through Domoko and Pelasgia and to the Sperchiou River Valley and Lamia to the south. Discovering where his capital city, Phthia, is located is vital. Homer mentions 5 regions in Greece, all located in the “Pelasgion Argos,” that Achilles commanded in our war with Troy 3250 years ago: “Alos, Alope, Trachis, Phthia, and Hellas.” Of those we know the location of “Trachis” (but excavations are needed for clear proof). You remember, George, I met you on the road in the hills near Skamnos in 2006 while I was trying to find Trachis. 2007 I found the mountain near Heraclea but it was difficult to climb. Maybe this year we can climb it together?
I talked on the telephone with Ioannis Makris and Niko Kontogiannis who both received the conference details. They were very enthusiastic about moving forward. (Nikos email is: [……..] I also talked with Taki Euthimiou who told me he is moving to Athens to live and I talked very briefly with Euthimiou Adamis. I also emailed the conference details to Christos Galanis but received no response. Last week Ioannis Makris told me we will have many people who will be interested in the conference. Along with our friends and elected officials and the Ephoria, it is important to contact business people (the Chamber of Commerce of Lamia and other towns). George, in 2011 you and I discussed developing a tourist program for Achilles, tourists from Europe, America, Asia which will help the economy. I have already contacted two tourist organizations in America but I believe in a few years we should start it ourselves. But to be successful, we must have something visible, even signs for tourists to see, large signs like you and I discussed to be placed along the national road near Lamia:

Welcome to the Homeland of Achilles

Also signs at Trachis, other areas along the Sperchiou, and at the “Spring of Achilles” on the road to Domoko north of Lamia. There are so many business possibilities including “Achilles Wine” for sale, statues of Achilles, statues of the Trojan Horse, tourist guides and books for adults and children, and much more. But first the conference in June to establish the historical and archaeological foundation and I hope many conferences to follow. We need to achieve results. Talking is important but then progress (Ephoria permits for research and excavations) towards our goal of finding Achilles. We know his tomb is located outside Troy at the town of Achilleon (Aegean side of Turkey). One day we must go to Troy (as I did in 1999). It has been 142 years since Heinrich Schliemann discovered Troy in 1871 and a few years later Mycenae, palace site of King Agamemnon in southern Greece. What are we waiting for? We must move forward. I thank you again George for all your help and that of the Council of Achilles (whose name should be shown as the sponsor of the conference) – Ioannis Makris, Niko Kontogiannis, and others (I also am a member). With such teamwork I know we will be successful.



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